itron sessions

Customer Satisfaction and the Smart Grid

Over the last 15 years, electricity providers have invested considerably in grid modernization, and there are now over 130 million smart meters nationwide. During this panel session, we will dive into Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative (SECC) research on whether consumers are engaging with the electricity usage information delivered by smart grid technologies and whether they are generally seeing the benefits promised by grid modernization. Using a nationally representative survey of 1,500 consumers as a foundation, we will explore a variety of key metrics impacting customer satisfaction and discuss real-world examples of how to improve the customer experience. From new AMI rollout communications to DER program enrollment for hard-to-reach customers, attendees will learn how real-time data, load disaggregation data, and other grid edge data can help engage more customers.


  • Ponce

    Meredith Ponce

    SmartMark Communications

    Associate Vice President

    Customer Satisfaction and the Smart Grid

  • Scheidler

    Lucas Scheidler


    Sr Product Manager

    Customer Satisfaction and the Smart Grid

  • Nuesser

    Andrea Nuesser


    Grid Modernization Leader

    Big Picture Session: Grid Edge Intelligence and the Role of Data Governance

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