itron sessions

Transforming Meter Data into Valuable Insights for EV and DER Grid Planning Through Distributed Intelligence

Marketplaces exist everywhere – from online e-commerce to brick-and-mortar retail stores – and are a proven model for the efficient mass-scale distribution of products and services. As energy executives around the world work to build new business models that both support and mitigate the risks of distributed energy resources (DER) like solar and electric vehicles, Itron’s RIVA DI platform has the same intent, potential and value. This session will explore how utilities can develop new and innovative services that transform real-time data directly from the meter into cost-effective DER services. 


  • Tumilowicz

    Nick Tumilowicz


    Director, Distributed Energy Management

    Transforming Meter Data into Valuable Insights for EV and DER Grid Planning Through Distributed Intelligence

  • Ramanathan

    Shriram Ramanathan

    Bidgely, Inc.

    AI Strategist and Chief of Staff

    Transforming Meter Data into Valuable Insights for EV and DER Grid Planning Through Distributed Intelligence