itron sessions

Empowering Grid Planning and Customer Engagement: The impact of real-time data on grid management and customer experience

The future of the smart grid depends heavily on engagement from consumers. As the utility has an increased need to understand and respond to impacts on the grid in real time, utilities must better design programs that take into consideration the needs of consumers in unprecedented ways. In addition, the utilities must engage customers in more meaningful ways and meet them where they are. Join industry experts in customer experience as they paint a vision of what this future looks like through the adoption of new grid edge applications.


  • Ponce

    Meredith Ponce

    SmartMark Communications

    Associate Vice President

    Customer Satisfaction and the Smart Grid

  • Scheidler

    Lucas Scheidler


    Sr Product Manager

    Customer Satisfaction and the Smart Grid

  • Hemelrijk

    Martijn Hemelrijk


    Business Development North America

    Empowering Grid Planning and Customer Engagement: The impact of real-time data on grid management and customer experience

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