itron sessions

Energizing EV Fleet Depots with Existing Infrastructure at Scale - ConEd Case Study

Distribution system constraints mean that delivering energy for large, location-specific, new medium & heavy duty fleets is a big challenge for utilities. Join us for key project learnings resulting from an electric school bus depot in the Bronx in which ConEd leveraged load management technologies to speed up EV adoption. In addition, learn about how utilities can capitalize on their investments in grid-edge technologies to help energize fleets at scale throughout their territories.



  • Hill-Cristol

    Sam Hill-Cristol

    The Mobility House

    Manager, Strategy & Business Development

    Energizing EV Fleet Depots with Existing Infrastructure at Scale - ConEd Case Study

  • Barat

    Arup Barat


    Senior Product Manager

    Energizing EV Fleet Depots with Existing Infrastructure at Scale - ConEd Case Study