itron sessions

Granularity Matters - Why Move to 5-Minute Intervals

This session will explore the pioneering shift that SMUD is making towards more granular data collection and management. This session will delve into the reasons behind the transition to 5-minute intervals for monitoring energy usage, the expected benefit on both the grid's efficiency and customer billing, and the technological advancements enabling this change. Participants will gain insights into how this finer resolution of data can lead to more accurate demand forecasts, improved response to peak load periods, and enhanced integration of renewable energy sources. The discussion will also cover the challenges and opportunities that come with the implementation of such a detailed approach to transition to 5-minute intervals.


  • Kushner

    David Kushner


    Director, Global Data Management

    Accelerate the Value of Your Water Deployment​

  • Pandey

    Rajesh Pandey


    Enterprise Technology Analyst

    Granularity Matters - Why Move to 5-Minute Intervals