itron sessions

Detecting System-Wide Leaks via Acoustic Sensing

A hilly geographical terrain combined with natural springs that drain to a lake presents challenges for detecting and locating leaks in Northwest Arkansas. As a result, a large percentage of leaks never surface which incur in large water loss. In order to proactively detect this non-revenue water loss, Rogers Water Utility developed a program which utilizes acoustic leak sensors and transmits the data collected to mlogonline software to continually assess pipeline integrity. These acoustic leak sensors are placed at strategic locations throughout their distribution system and have identified several unreported leaks, including one estimated at approximately 500,000 gallons per day. The sensors have also identified recurring leaks and minor leaks (close to major leaks) that a traditional acoustic leak survey might have missed. This session will highlight the value in identifying leaks, reducing their impacts (including changes in typical tank levels, water audit key performance indicators, and wholesale purchased water savings) and understanding the benefits of adopting acoustic leak sensing solutions. Every drop of clean water is precious and finding these leaks benefits utilities both financially, environmentally and publicly.


  • Lunsford

    Johnny Lunsford

    Rogers Water Utilities

    Operations Manager

    Detecting System-Wide Leaks via Acoustic Sensing