itron sessions

Exploring Itron's Cellular IoT Strategy for Water, Gas and Battery-Powered Devices

The utility segment continues to be a leading growth area for Cellular IoT   solutions. However, navigating the mix of acronyms and rapidly evolving   functionality related to Cellular IoT, 5G and other wireless technologies can be complex even for the most seasoned telecommunications professionals. Join this session to learn more about Itron’s cellular strategy as we explore new ways to leverage the enhanced coverage, capacity, lower power consumption and   reduced costs of new cellular technologies specifically designed to support battery-powered water and gas solutions. Attendees will hear key updates to our portfolio, focusing on new use cases for gas and water, enabled by our cellular endpoints. We will also explore various use cases suited for cellular technologies including 5G, LTE-M, NB1 and more.


  • Kaffenberger

    Brett Kaffenberger


    Sr. Product Manager

    Panel: Practical Tips and Lessons Learned for Water AMI

  • Clark

    Scott Clark

    Louisville Water Company

    Manager - Advanced Metering Infrastructure

    Exploring Itron's Cellular IoT Strategy for Water, Gas and Battery-Powered Devices