itron sessions

How Peer-to-Peer Communications Are Being Leveraged for Distribution Automation

Utilities   are increasingly embracing peer-to-peer communications to enhance grid   reliability and resilience. By utilizing this capability of edge devices   communicating and coordinating actions in the field, recloser teaming schemes   can coordinate actions autonomously, thereby swiftly isolating faults and   restoring power to unaffected areas. This decentralized approach minimizes   outage durations and enhances the overall reliability of the grid. Itron has   also leveraged peer-to-peer communication in its next-generation smart meters   which can autonomously establish connections with nearby meters, improving   the accuracy of location data and how meters are connected to the broader   grid, leading to more efficient outage management and improved operational decision-making   for utilities. We will examine these use cases and also how peer-to-peer and   distributed intelligence may be leveraged in the future.
