Revenue Assurance Protect revenue and detect loss faster

Rapidly identify, monitor and manage potential losses and revenue leakages at your residential and C&I customer accounts—preserving your bottom line and system integrity.


Itron Recognized in 2025 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Managed IoT Connectivity Services

Detect, investigate and mitigate non-technical losses

Meter tampering leads to financial impacts for utilities and ratepayers creates potential fire hazards, risks the safety of utility employees and the public, and can compromise the distribution system. Resolve your safety concerns and enhance revenue with Revenue Assurance from Itron.

  • Increase revenue with the right analysis and investigation tools.

  • Alleviate safety concerns by identifying suspicious usage patterns, energy diversions and tamper conditions.

  • Improve business operations with a more accurate, efficient, and effective revenue assurance process.

Identify and manage all forms of revenue leakage

Revenue Assurance helps you swiftly detect and resolve revenue leakage with user-friendly tools while maintaining a positive customer focus. Itron’s network-agnostic, grid edge application (part of our Operations Optimizer portfolio) uses big data analytics to deliver efficient, value-driven investigations for residential and C&I accounts.

  • Billing

  • Interval

  • Alarms

  • Detect Tamper
    & Theft

  • Enhance Revenue

Avoid the dangers of energy theft

Meter tampering costs utilities and ratepayers, poses fire hazards, risks injuries or fatalities to utility workers and the public, and can compromise the distribution system. Discover how Itron Revenue Assurance alleviates utilities’ safety concerns even as it protects revenue. 

Detect, investigate and resolve lost revenue.

Learn how you can identify unsafe conditions, protect revenue and detect loss faster—all while improving business operations.

Customer Quotes

    • Commonwealth Edison

      Combating Electric Theft with Revenue Assurance

      “Out of 792 orders completed in one month, we achieved a 90%+ overall success rate by using Revenue Assurance to detect meter tampers/bypasses and verify those anomalies with our field crew.”

      • ConEdison

        Successfully Detecting Meter Issues

        “We achieved an 88% success rate for detecting disconnected unreachable endpoints."

        • Baltimore Gas & Electric

          Improving Safety & Reducing Revenue Loss

          “We were able to identify over 12,000 gas theft and electric theft incidents, reduce revenue loss and the resources required for investigations and theft management—all while improving customer and utility safety.”

          Étude de cas

          • Commonwealth Edison

            Combating Electric Theft with Revenue Assurance

            “Out of 792 orders completed in one month, we achieved a 90%+ overall success rate by using Revenue Assurance to detect meter tampers/bypasses and verify those anomalies with our field crew.”

            • ConEdison

              Successfully Detecting Meter Issues

              “We achieved an 88% success rate for detecting disconnected unreachable endpoints."

              • Baltimore Gas & Electric

                Improving Safety & Reducing Revenue Loss

                “We were able to identify over 12,000 gas theft and electric theft incidents, reduce revenue loss and the resources required for investigations and theft management—all while improving customer and utility safety.”

                Delivering proven results

                Energy loss due to tampering is a major concern. Combat energy diversion by reducing non-technical losses, generating ongoing revenue, identifying unsafe conditions and increasing personnel efficiency with a proven revenue assurance solution.

                Explorez les produits et services connexes

                • Assurance des revenus

                  Atténuer les problèmes de sécurité et augmenter les recettes en utilisant des outils d'analyse et d'investigation tels que des algorithmes, des filtres de données et la détection de modèles pour identifier la falsification des compteurs et les conditions de contournement du service.

                  En savoir plus
                • Operations Optimizer

                  Améliorer l'efficacité opérationnelle et fournir les capacités fonctionnelles nécessaires pour gérer et exploiter plus efficacement votre système AMI à grande échelle.

                  En savoir plus
                • Meter Data Management

                  Collect, manage and verify data from the proven technology used by more than 90 million meters across 1000+ energy and water companies on six continents. 

                  Learn More
                • Applications d’intelligence distribuée

                  Éclairez la partie la moins visible du réseau et gérez mieux votre réseau de distribution en combinant Operations Optimizer avec l’intelligence distribuée pour amplifier votre valeur et permettre une véritable interopérabilité et une visibilité sur le réseau.

                  En savoir plus
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