Detect, Investigate & Mitigate LossesDeliver Efficiency & Operational Value through Revenue Assurance

Enhance and Protect Revenue

Non-technical losses are a major concern for all utilities and can have a considerable effect on both the public’s perception of your utility and your bottom line. Taking mitigating actions quickly can enhance and protect revenues, alleviate safety concerns and demonstrate a positive customer focus. This webcast demonstrates the importance of increasing the accuracy and speed of detecting loss through a value-based application, Revenue Assurance.

With over 30 utilities and more than 35 million endpoints utilizing Revenue Assurance, it incorporates the best features of the Theft Detection application with the Revenue Assurance application to deliver over 100+ algorithms for gas and electric services, an easily tailored user interface, a complete set of workflow tools for managing all investigation and service order work, as well as seamless integration to back office systems.

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