itron sessions

Introducing Gas Edge - Enabling AMI through the Latest Itron Innovations

As the   gas industry faces significant challenges in aging infrastructure,   decarbonization and electrification, utilities are asking what’s next? While   gas safety continues to drive investment and innovation in the industry, new   advances in ultrasonic metering with integrated safety and sensing capability   at the edge, coupled with hybrid cellular and mesh networking are making the   business case to migrate from AMR to AMI a much more feasible option today.   Learn strategies to migrate by adopting a phased approach, making the   transition to gas edge solutions through performance and cost-optimized   offerings like Intelis gas meters, AMI Essentials, cellular ERT modules, and   battery-based mesh networking.


  • Carlson

    Brandon Carlson


    Dir. Product Marketing

    Introducing Gas Edge - Enabling AMI through the Latest Itron Innovations