The Metropolitan District Deploys Itron Automatic Meter Reading Technology

LIBERTY LAKE, Wash. — August 18, 2009 — Itron Inc. (NASDAQ: ITRI) announced today that The Metropolitan District (MDC) will begin deployment of Itron's mobile automatic meter reading (AMR) system. The efficiencies gained by using Itron's AMR technology will allow the MDC to significantly reduce estimated bills and further enhance its relationships with customers.

The MDC plans to target 30,000 metering endpoints in the Connecticut towns of East Hartford, Farmington, Rocky Hill and West Hartford. The MDC is also implementing MV RS®, Itron's data collection software for collection of meter data and mobile route management.

In addition to reducing costs associated with handheld meter reading, the technology is proven to significantly reduce estimated water bills, increase billing accuracy and eliminate the need to routinely access customer homes to read water meters.

Itron mobile AMR systems, key to its ChoiceConnect™ AMR data collection suite, use a vehicle equipped with a portable radio transceiver and laptop computer to gather consumption and tamper data from water endpoints.

"The Metropolitan District should be commended for their foresight in implementing this district wide enhancement to further improve its operations and enhance customer service," said Lou Gust, Itron vice president of sales and marketing. "The municipality's commitment to its customers is consistent with its 80-year history of reliable service. Itron is proud to have been selected as the contractor to work on this important project."

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Itron is a proven global leader in energy, water, smart city, IIoT and intelligent infrastructure services. For utilities, cities and society, we build innovative systems, create new efficiencies, connect communities, encourage conservation and increase resourcefulness. By safeguarding our invaluable natural resources today and tomorrow, we improve the quality of life for people around the world. Join us:

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