Industry Insights

Itron Customers Top Smart City Governments List

August 01, 2018

Itron delivers solutions that help cities become more efficient and sustainable. Recently, Eden Strategy Institute, a strategy consulting firm, put together a collection of the Top 50 Smart City Governments—and 12 cities on the list are Itron customers, including:
  • London
  • Singapore
  • New York
  • Melbourne
  • San Francisco
  • Chicago
  • Charlotte
  • Copenhagen
  • Wellington
  • Dubai
  • Dublin
  • Paris

The Smart City Governments list details the development of smart cities from a city government’s perspective. Cities were ranked on a scale of one to three representing low to high based on the following 10 factors:
  1. Vision
  2. Leadership
  3. Budget
  4. Financial Incentives
  5. Support Programs
  6. Talent Readiness
  7. People Centricity
  8. Innovation Ecosystems
  9. Smart Policies
  10. Track Record

Lastly, interviews were conducted with city officials to validate facts, measure outcomes and learn about the unique challenges and pathways taken by each city.

To read the full report, click here.