DTE Energy Recognizes Itron with Supplier Safety Award for Outstanding Deployment Practices

LIBERTY LAKE, Wash.—Aug. 7, 2013—Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITRI) announced today that DTE Energy has recognized Itron with a Supplier Award for Safety. DTE Energy's Supplier Awards acknowledge suppliers that keep DTE Energy performing at high levels with outstanding engagement, quality, safety, technology continuous improvement and cost savings efforts.Itron has helped DTE Energy safely automate more than one million homes, to date, with smart electric meters and gas modules.

Itron's smart grid solution is a key part of the utility'sSmartCurrents initiative, which aims to modernize DTE Energy's electric grid and improve distribution system efficiency. The advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) initiative willlower energy delivery costs and empower electric customers with more information about their power usage.

"Itron's attention to safe operations and customer safety goes above and beyond normal operations. It is but one of many factors in our continued positive installations of AMI in the DTE service territory," said Bob Sitkauskas, manager of AMI for DTE Energy's Major Enterprise Project organization. "We look forward to our continued partnership as we march forward to the end goal of nearly 4 million meters installed."

DTE Energy is already realizing benefits from the AMI project with reduced costs, increased efficiencies and improved customer service. The automation of meter reading saves the utility approximately $1,800 per read route each year. Multiplied by 5,000 routes, the utility saves a total of $9 million per year through automated meter reading.

Remote disconnect capabilities have eliminated 75,000 field visits, a benefit of $1.5 million per year. Customer reconnects are now performed within minutes of settling a customer's bill, while the customer is still on the phone, helping improve customer satisfaction. The smart grid solution has also improved customer service by giving DTE Energy and its customers access to detailed usage information for faster bill resolution and increased energy awareness.

"Helping our customers safely deploy innovative technologies and drive better management of energy and water resources is Itron's main objective," said Mark de Vere White, president of Itron Energy Group in North America. "We are honored to be recognized for our outstanding safety efforts at DTE Energy. We look forward to continuing to help DTE Energy realize its vision of a modernized grid."

About Itron

Itron is a proven global leader in energy, water, smart city, IIoT and intelligent infrastructure services. For utilities, cities and society, we build innovative systems, create new efficiencies, connect communities, encourage conservation and increase resourcefulness. By safeguarding our invaluable natural resources today and tomorrow, we improve the quality of life for people around the world. Join us: www.itron.com.

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