Brian McAuley

Principal Energy Consultant

Brian McAuley is a Principal Energy Consultant in Itron’s Strategic Analytics group. Mr. McAuley is experienced in program evaluation, specifically related to impact and market evaluations as well as statistical and economic analyses. At Itron, Mr. McAuley is currently the project manager for nonresidential downstream impact evaluations on the California IOU energy efficiency programs and has been a lead analyst on several other evaluations that address the nonresidential sector. He specializes in overall project management, developing customer samples, analysis of logger data to generate lighting load shape profiles, and various other ex-post gross and net impact analyses. Mr. McAuley is proficient in SAS programming, Microsoft Office Suite, and ArcGIS. He also has experience in natural resource management, specifically relating to energy and water resources, as well as cost benefit analysis with a focus on external cost valuation. Mr. McAuley received his B.A. in Anthropology and English from the State University of New York, Albany, and his Masters in Environment Management from the Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University.


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