IntelliMARKET® offers a wide variety of proven marketing solutions for engaging customers in the smart grid and energy-efficiency dialogue. We offer a full complement of marketing services that will assure your programs are strategically correct and produced at the highest level of quality, ensuring superior customer satisfaction and reduced risk in meeting mandated energy conservation goals.
Our marketing team, composed of energy market strategists and
award-winning creative professionals—with decades of experience at
top Madison Avenue ad agencies and Fortune 100 corporations—develop
and execute multi-channel marketing solutions to attract and retain
program participants, ensuring the enrollment rates necessary to
achieve the megawatts you need.
IntelliMARKET provides customized and proven print, interactive,
and outreach solutions based on your company's unique marketing requirements.
- Program design
- Marketing
- Participant recruitment
As energy marketing and customer recruitment specialists,
IntelliMARKET provides consumers with the appropriate level of
information and context to make informed decisions regarding new and
complex energy programs such as:
- Demand Response
- Energy Efficiency
- Time-of-Use Pricing
- Critical Peak Pricing