Innovation and new ideas

Itron Inspire

Unleash the Power of Possibility with Itron Technology Partners

September 12, 2024

As an industry-leading provider of innovative solutions, Itron is dedicated to transforming how utilities manage energy and water. At Itron Inspire 2024, we will showcase the latest advancements from our valued technology partners that empower utilities to make informed decisions, streamline operations and enhance grid reliability.  

This year’s partner community at Itron Inspire will share field-proven and pilot-ready solutions that help utilities and cities maximize the usable lifespan of aging infrastructure, elevate consumer engagement, improve operations, enhance grid resiliency, build safe and secure communities, achieve sustainability initiatives, expand the value of their multi-purpose IIoT networks and much more.  

We are thrilled to highlight this year’s platinum sponsor of Itron Inspire 2024 and valued Itron partner: Verizon. Itron and Verizon have partnered for years to apply creative IoT, machine-to-machine and cellular-connected meter solutions. Our collaboration helps ensure 100% connectivity, provides stringent service level requirements for specific use cases and optimizes the total cost of ownership by minimizing the number of mitigation devices needed in the network.  

Stop by the Verizon booth in the Knowledge Center to learn more about Verizon’s wide variety of applications, including hard-to-reach meters in an RF mesh deployment, direct connect cellular meter deployments, opt-in smart meter programs and more. 

Explore Partner Solutions 

Explore the capabilities of all partner exhibitors in the Knowledge Center and attend track sessions to see first-hand how our partners are pushing energy efficiency to new levels, innovating solutions that drive sustainable value for utilities and their communities and revolutionizing the consumer experience.  

You’ll also want to tune into the two thought-provoking Big Picture Sessions we have in store: the first, Grid Edge Intelligence and the Role of Data Governance, will focus on innovative approaches to data ownership and management amid the energy transition, sponsored by Capgemini. The second, Navigating the Journey Toward Sustainability, will highlight ways utilities can tackle decarbonization challenges leveraging technology, policy frameworks and collaboration, sponsored by Bidgely.  

Itron’s partner ecosystem is constantly evolving to deliver impactful, real-world solutions. Explore innovative solutions from a diverse range of partners and the outcomes they enable by checking out our online Partner Solution Marketplace. For insights into our network and distributed intelligence development opportunities, browse Itron’s Development Portal and stop by the Partner Enablement station in the Knowledge Center at Itron Inspire.  

Register for Itron’s Annual, Industry-Leading Event 

As the energy and water landscape continues to evolve, Itron Inspire 2024 is the place where innovation meets opportunity. With cutting-edge solutions from Itron and our partners, the event will be a catalyst for collaboration to address the industry’s most pressing challenges. Register today for Itron Inspire 2024 to discover how you can unleash the power of possibility. To learn more, visit and join the conversation on social media using #ItronInspire24.

Se ha producido un error al procesar la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> authorContent.contentFields  [in template "44616#44647#114455" at line 9, column 17]

Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it.
Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: contentFields = authorContent.content...  [in template "44616#44647#114455" at line 9, column 1]
2	webContentData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(author.getData()) 
3	classPK = webContentData.classPK 
7authorContent = restClient.get("/headless-delivery/v1.0/structured-contents/" + classPK + "?fields=contentFields%2CfriendlyUrlPath%2CtaxonomyCategoryBriefs") 
8contentFields = authorContent.contentFields 
10authorContentData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(authorContent) 
11friendlyURL = authorContentData.friendlyUrlPath 
12authorCategoryId = "0" 
15<#list contentFields as contentField > 
16   <#assign  
17	 contentFieldData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(contentField)  
18	 name = 
19	 /> 
20	 <#if name == 'authorImage'> 
21	    <#if (contentField.contentFieldValue.image)??> 
22	        <#assign authorImageURL = contentField.contentFieldValue.image.contentUrl />	 
23			</#if> 
24	 </#if> 
25	 <#if name == 'authorName'> 
26	    <#assign authorName = /> 
27			<#list categories as category > 
28         <#if authorName == category.taxonomyCategoryName> 
29				     <#assign authorCategoryId = category.taxonomyCategoryId /> 
30				 </#if> 
31      </#list> 
32	 </#if> 
33	 <#if name == 'authorDescription'> 
34	    <#assign authorDescription = /> 
36	 </#if> 
38	 <#if name == 'authorJobTitle'> 
39	    <#assign authorJobTitle = /> 
41	 </#if> 
45<div class="blog-author-info"> 
46	<#if authorImageURL??> 
47		<img class="blog-author-img" id="author-image" src="${authorImageURL}" alt="" /> 
48	</#if> 
49	<#if authorName??> 
50		<#if authorName != ""> 
51			<p class="blog-author-name">By <a id="author-detail-page" href="/w/${friendlyURL}?filter_category_552298=${authorCategoryId}"><span id="author-full-name">${authorName}</span></a></p> 
52			<hr /> 
53		</#if> 
54	</#if> 
55	<#if authorJobTitle??> 
56		<#if authorJobTitle != ""> 
57			<p class="blog-author-title" id="author-job-title" >${authorJobTitle}</p> 
58			<hr /> 
59		</#if> 
60	</#if> 
61	<#if authorDescription??> 
62		<#if authorDescription != "" && authorDescription != "null" > 
63			<p class="blog-author-desc" id="author-job-desc">${authorDescription}</p> 
64			<hr /> 
65		</#if> 
66	</#if> 