WLRA CONFERENCE 2023Energy Forecasting

Itron has the products, services and experience for all your forecasting needs.

Itron is always at the forefront of the energy forecasting field. For more than five decades, Itron has helped energy companies understand and anticipate changes in energy demand; changes that drive both strategy and business operations. Itron combines industry-leading forecasting knowledge with innovative software solutions and services to deliver distinctive business intelligence and outcomes. Take advantage of Itron's expertise and experience to help you improve your forecasts with proven software and services. Read more about our short-, mid and long-term solutions at itron.com/forecasting.

Free Brown Bag Webinars

Itron has been conducting free webinars on a variety of forecasting and load research-based topics and continues to host new webinars every year. Past webinars were all recorded and are available in a YouTube library. Watch the most recent ones on:

There are three more scheduled for this year. Register now and gain access to all of the 2022 recordings:

  • Distributed Solar PV Generation — August 7, 8 and 9
  • Statistically Adjusted End-use Methodology and Trends — October 10
  • 2023 Forecast Accuracy Benchmarking Survey & Energy Trends — Survey Participants Only — December 5
  • 2022 Recordings
    • Energy Forecasting Meeting Webinars:
      • Opening Session & Economic Outlook
      • AEO2022 Outlook
      • AMI Data Aggregation & Applications
      • Climate Changes
      • End-use Load Shapes & Closing Session
    • Short Term Forecasting Stability vs. Accuracy
    • Modeling Climate Change
    • 2022 Forecast Accuracy Benchmarking Survey & Energy Trends
    • Regression Tree Methods

Itron has also trained hundreds of energy forecasters over the last 30 years. Register for one of our upcoming workshops or meetings and see why our blend of lectures on real-world examples, demonstration of modeling techniques, and hands-on exercises executed by attendees is a verified recipe for successful learning:

  • Virtual Forecasting 101 — June 12-15 (MetrixND users only)
  • ISO Forecasting Summit — September 12-14 in San Diego, CA (ISO/RTO/TSO representatives only)
  • Forecasting 101 — September 26-28 in San Diego, CA
  • Fundamentals of Sales and Demand Forecasting — September 26-28 in San Diego, CA
  • One-Day Introduction to Forecasting and SAE Modeling Workshop — March 12, 2024 in New Orleans, LA
  • One-Day Advanced Topics Workshop — March 12, 2024 in New Orleans, LA
  • Annual Energy Forecasting Meeting — March 13-15, 2024 in New Orleans, LA