WebcastSpring 2024 Water End-to-End Forum

Optimize and efficiently manage water distribution networks

Asset management, revenue protection, operational efficiency, regulatory compliance and customer service are top of mind for water providers. By holistically optimizing distribution operations and leveraging solutions like hydraulic modeling software, pressure management and pressure sensing to efficiently manage your water networks, Itron helps you transform your network into a smart water network. End-to-End Water solutions improve operational visibility, minimize leaks, increase cathodic protection, streamline pressure management, reduce labor costs, optimize network operations and proactively improve the customer experience. These outcomes help you identify, prioritize and take action to reduce non-revenue water (NRW) for both real and apparent water losses in your distribution network.

We recently conducted a virtual End-to-End Water Forum on Thursday, May 23 from 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (PDT) where we discussed the new features and enhancements of our water-based outcomes as well as what is on the roadmap. In addition, we exchanged best practices on operating, managing and deriving the most value out of these solutions. Attendees learned how current customers are using water analytics-based solutions to extract value and achieve innovative outcomes to further streamline business operations.

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