Webcast recording and slidesSpring 2023 AMI Operations Forum

Realize operational savings, understand the state of your system and apply corrective actions where and when needed.


Your business processes are now dependent on timely and accurate meter data. AMI systems provide data on millions of endpoints and your focus should be on meeting the needs of your customers; not on dealing with AMI data. AMI Operations provides the tools, integrated with state-of-the-art data management applications to deliver accurate functional capabilities that enhance AMI operational efficiencies while managing and operating these systems at scale. By integrating seamlessly into your business operations, we take the necessary steps to ensure operational excellence, making your job easier.

We recently conducted a virtual AMI Operations Forum on Wednesday, April 26 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. ET where we detailed how you can improve operational efficiency, enhance network awareness, generate actionable intelligence, drive innovation and unlock new business value with AMI Operations. We highlighted AMI operations outcomes based on the OpenWay and GenX networks that include: Action Manager, Performance Manager, Network Ops, AMI Ops, Revenue Assurance and gas-related applications as well as what is on the roadmap in terms of solution enhancements. In addition, we exchanged best practices on operating, managing and deriving the most value out of these solutions.

To download the forum slides and recording, please complete and submit this form.